Coworker Plays on Phone: Stoicess Poem - Stoic Matchmaker

Coworker Plays on Phone: Stoicess Poem

Coworker Plays on Phone: Stoicess Poem

August 20, 2024

You’re dreading going to the office today;
for you’ll be assigned to a project without delay.


Another employee whom you dread is to be your partner;
a phone-distracted co-worker who is more like a kindergartner.


Glued to their cellphone all day they will be;
a tough slog through this project it will be indeed.


You’re frustrated that management has aligned you with this lack-luster individual;
maybe it’s time you dust off the resume and find a job more livable.


However, the book of Proverbs says it is to one’s glory to pass over another’s transgression;
So, you’ll need to hold your tongue and avoid any aggression.


And you tell yourself, “I also need to follow Jesus’ way and point out the irritation just between them and me,
and if they listen, I’ll have won them over and we’ll get along in harmony”.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess,
Your Christian Career Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU.


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