Dealing With Unpleasant Customers: Stoicess’ Poem - Stoic Matchmaker

Dealing With Unpleasant Customers: Stoicess’ Poem

Dealing With Unpleasant Customers: Stoicess’ Poem

July 2, 2024

You know the drill. You’re at work, it’s midday and hectic;
The phone rings, you see it’s Mr. Jones, and you know he yells when he’s being a skeptic.


It’s as if you are his entertainment for the day;
He will scold you, threaten your job, all the while claiming foul play.


Want a full refund and some damage payment to make this right;
Just talking with him is always such a fight.


Where do these people come from? Is this the aftermath of the Pandemic Rage?;
Why can’t we all get along and be on the same decency page.


But Mr. Jones is pleased when he learns he caused an employee to leave;
He likes antagonizing the new hires more, since they haven’t learned those tricks up his sleeve.


It’s pure carnage that folks like him leave in their path;
It’s all about them, and the world must adapt.


The problem, though, is that there are too many in the community that are becoming like him;
and the community is beginning to fall apart with distrust leading to mayhem.


However, you’ve learned to be unaccepting of others who selfishly place themselves in front of you;
You do not swerve – only slow down – and hear their words without much ado.


For the Bible says a gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire;
So, with such individuals you respond “firm and fair” to keep the exchange from going haywire.


And if they threaten to put your job on the line;
you still respond politely knowing God won’t let you be on the breadline.


For no one really wants these customer-facing jobs;
So, their availability in numbers is literally in the gobs.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
AND I believe in YOU.

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