Empowering An Older Coworker: Stoicess’ Secret - Stoic Matchmaker

Empowering An Older Coworker: Stoicess’ Secret

Empowering An Older Coworker: Stoicess’ Secret

July 23, 2024

Empowering An Older Coworker: Stoicess’ Secret.

A close friend of yours at the office is struggling regarding whether to apply for an upcoming promotion in your unit.  Of late, it appears older co-workers are being overlooked. A mood of frustration for older workers is in the air. They feel their experience and skills are not being recognized. You want to help your friend, so you begin thinking about a path to success for them.

In today’s diverse workplace, it’s crucial to recognize the value that older co-workers bring to the table. Their years of experience and wisdom can be an asset to any team. However, older co-workers often face challenges that younger colleagues may not fully understand or appreciate. Age-related stereotypes and biases can breed a lack of trust and respect, making it difficult for older employees to feel valued and recognized. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological advancements may leave older workers feeling left behind or inadequate in comparison to their younger counterparts.

Furthermore, promotion challenges can be particularly disheartening for older employees who have invested a significant amount of time and effort into their careers. They may question their abilities and wonder if their hard work is being overlooked due to their age. These challenges can have a profound impact on their morale and overall job satisfaction.


From training with the Stoicess, you know there are strategies to empower older co-workers. First, you can offer mentorship and support to your older friend. Pairing yourself with your older friend can create a mutually beneficial relationship, where knowledge and experience are shared. Each of you can provide guidance and help to one another as you navigate challenges, ultimately boosting one another’s confidence and morale.

Also, take time to acknowledge your older coworker’s achievements and contributions publicly, whether it’s through team meetings, newsletters, or other forms of recognition. By validating their skills and knowledge, you instill a sense of pride and importance in your older friend. You will likely find they will return the favor for you.

Furthermore, encourage them to attend workshops, seminars, or online courses with you that you feel cater specifically to their professional growth. By investing in their development, you are demonstrating your commitment to their success as well as yours. It’s a partnership where favorable results for both are just around the corner.

Lastly, as your camaraderie grows, have them share their ideas and opinions in team meetings. Ask management to include your friend in decision-making processes and suggest they agree to give your friend a leadership opportunity.

In closing, by your actions, you will be promoting intergenerational collaboration for all colleagues to see. You’ll also raise the awareness among your peers, that this older colleague is not “dead wood”, but instead a wealth of wisdom who is happy to share.


Now using My S-T-O-I-C STORYTELLING method:

(S) My older co-worker keeps getting passed up by my younger co-workers for promotion; what should I do?
(T) “A benefit consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.” Seneca
“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.” Book of Proverbs
(O) I will offer mentorship and support for my older friend.
(I) I realized there is a wealth of information my friend has to offer to me and my colleagues who are younger.
(C) The character trait I improved was focusing on how to benefit society by fostering intergeneration collaboration.


Thank you for sharing your mind with me.

For your continued Success,


Hear MY Secret:


When others think an elder coworker is dead wood, offer the elder mentorship and support, so they will less likely, be misunderstood.



and ‘Be as you wish to seem’ …..



Remember: It’s the Situation Keeping My Connection with Him.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess

AND I believe in YOU.

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