Feeling Unattractive - Stoic Matchmaker

Feeling Unattractive

Feeling Unattractive

January 16, 2023

Feeling Unattractive

Ever not feel good where you are physically? We are a society of eyes, we all know – everything is looks these days.

Well, life got hectic and you forgot to take time to focus on yourself because of caring for others. You’re feeling bad enough on your own, and then your partner makes the unwelcomed comment that puts you over the edge.

Those partners! They have a tremendous impact over our emotions and feelings about our relationship. And what do they want of us? A marathon-looking athlete that can work 24/7 on the job without nourishment and sleep?

From your training with the Stoicess, you’ve learned that what is said, what is meant, and what is heard are often not the same. And “what is heard” is often a reflection of how you see things from your own view of yourself.

During an evening walk, your partner mentioned you were out of breath too quickly. What was meant was a concern for your overall health. But you’re the one who already had the waistline image on your mind. Thus, the insult hurt, it cut right through you, but the insult – that cruel thought – came from your mind and not your partner’s mouth.

On reflection, you realized who was the real culprit, and it was now your opportunity to decide whom you were going to be. So, you started exercising again, putting the umph into full gear.

And that nasty insult you gave yourself, has made you become the best YOU …. You can be!


Now using My S-T-O-I-C STORYTELLING Meditation method:


(S) My partner says things that make me feel unattractive.
(T) “When then a man irritates you, you must know that it is your own opinion which has irritated you.” Epictetus
“Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.” Book of Psalm
(O) I decided to look at myself to see if these were things that could be changed to make a better me.
(I) I realized the insults were from my own mind.
(C) The character trait I improved was to consider the source which is always me.

I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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