The Stoicess’ Poem: Giving Up Confidential Information - Stoic Matchmaker

The Stoicess’ Poem: Giving Up Confidential Information

The Stoicess’ Poem: Giving Up Confidential Information

March 6, 2023

The Stoicess’ Poem: Giving Up Confidential Information.

They say we are best friends, but I’m not sure,
for when I look into their heart, it doesn’t seem so pure.

They share with me their thoughts that they say are so personal,
and then demand I share information I gained from another that is very interpersonal.

Just the other day, they were applying for a job,
said I knew information gained from another with whom I hobnob.

The information would give them a leg up in applying for their would-be position,
and having this confidential information would help them fulfill their mission.

I felt torn as to whether to give the information,
knowing my relationship with the other, as well as the requestor’s reputation.

I thought to myself, “What if they blab to the world what I shared?”
the shame, the humiliation, the embarrassment I’d cause, once this private information became aired.

As I stood in thought, mulling over these different feelings,
the friend began hammering me, pressuring me on our current dealings.

They again remind me, “we are best friends,” in a scolding tone,
waiting impatiently for a response as the current situation became full-blown.

Their change in demeanor helped bring me to reality,
this friendship is not equal – I’m viewed as their devotee.

The words of Proverbs, my mind immediately discovered,
“he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered”.

The thought of a Trusted Friend then came to mind,
One who looks out for your best interest, not theirs – such a person is so difficult to find.

For a Trusted Friend would never put me on point,
to gain an advantage to hurt me or another simply to gain their endpoint.

A Trusted Friend would think of me first,
and quell the desire for which this person now thirsts.

I now see that a Trusted Friend is a one-way street,
it’s how I view them and not how they view me.
I see them as my sanctuary – as someone who’s my closest helpmeet.

So, to this current friend, I may be their Trusted Friend,
but in my book, their designation as a Trusted Friend, I will not lend.

For I will hold them as an Acquaintance in my mind,
using a different classification of terms that are much better aligned.

Friends are now Acquaintances, and Trusted Friends created from being time-tested,
the few, the best, those in whom my confidences will only be placed so that my mind will always remain rested.

And since this friend, relegated to a mere acquaintance, I am now ready to respond,
I tell them I feel uncomfortable sharing, for I will not taint my other friend’s bond.

I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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