How to Prepare for a First Date - Stoic Matchmaker

How to Prepare for a First Date

How to Prepare for a First Date

January 27, 2023

How to Prepare for a First Date

Dating has become easier today than it was in the past. However, there are still a lot of first-time daters out there who feel anxious about the possibility of meeting someone new. This is normal.


A lot of people tend to experience nervousness or anxiety when they are meeting someone new for the first time. This feeling can be controlled, however, if you remember to relax. Relaxing and focusing your mind will help you to avoid getting tense. If you’re feeling anxious, it might help to remember that first dates are about getting to know each other. This means that you’ll have to make conversation easy.


Don’t worry about making a good impression when you are meeting someone new. Your appearance shouldn’t be your focus. Instead, focus on your conversation. It is important to show that you are interested in someone else and that you care about them. Be confident and friendly.


If you are meeting someone new, you should try to make eye contact with him or her. This will show that you’re interested and that you want to get to know him or her.


You should also smile a lot. Smile when you greet someone. Smiling can make you look friendly and approachable.


Yes, first dates can be stressful, and while it’s normal to get the jitters, you can channel this nervous energy into something positive.


Keep reading for some tips on how to prepare for a great first date.


Boost Your Confidence 


Make sure you’re looking and feeling your best by choosing an outfit you feel good in, and de-stress by reading your favorite Bible verses or listening to a relaxing podcast.


You’ve probably heard that people are drawn to confidence, but projecting it is often easier said than done.


You may not know it, but you’ve got a lot of confidence. Sometimes, people look at others and judge themselves based on what others physically look like. If you do this, you may think that you are not very attractive, but others may think that you are absolutely beautiful. Thus, confidence outranks physical looks on the attraction scale.


Know that how you feel about yourself is more important than how others perceive you. If you want to feel good, you need to take care of yourself which includes your mental health.


First, you should dress up in a way that makes you feel good. If you wear nice, comfortable clothes, you will feel good. Wearing uncomfortable clothes will make you may feel awkward. You know the clothing options that can make you feel comfortable.


Next, you need to continue to eat the healthy foods you daily eat prior to your date. If you change your diet and eat junk food prior to your date, your body will feel bad, and you may have unpleasant gastric symptoms (a “blow out” as my mother would say) arising at the most inopportune moments.


By eating your daily healthy foods, you will feel good. Your emotions will also reflect the food that you consume. If you feel good, you will act happy, and you will perform well.


Additionally, you should relax. Relaxation will help you to clear your mind. When you are calm, you can better deal with stress. Stress can have a negative aspect on your life which includes going on a first date.


You can relax by listening to your favorite music. A great way to relax prior to your date is to read your favorite Bible verse. You may consider taking a break and listening to a podcast. It is a good idea to take a few minutes to enjoy yourself and increase your confidence prior to leaving for your date. You may feel like you’re taking too much time, but you will be glad that you did when you begin your date for the day.


Being confident means that you do not worry about what others think. Your confidence also comes from how you treat others. If you show your confidence in someone else, you will feel more confident in yourself.


When you project confidence, people will know it. People will know that you are confident because you act confident.


Lastly, you will feel more confident when you have self-control. Self-control is the ability to control your emotions. This also means you should be able to say “no” to negative people. It is easy to say “yes” to them when they talk to you. You can stop yourself from agreeing with them by saying “no”. In short, one aspect of self-control means that you don’t let negative people bother you. You’ve learned how to be more assertive.


Consider Discussion Topics


Christian Intentional dating is a way to discover if someone is compatible with you and whether they would make a good spouse. However, it’s not always easy to keep that first conversation going with someone new. To fill those awkward silences, plan some open-ended icebreaker questions to find out more about your date. For example:


  • What is your favorite place to visit?
  • What is one of your most favorite childhood memories that comes to mind?
  • How active are you in your church?
  • What’s your favorite activity to do with friends?
  • What would you do at this very moment if you won the lottery?

While you should think of a few discussion topics in advance, don’t feel pressured to fill every lull in the conversation. 


Remember, talking to someone new can be tricky. The main thing is to stay relaxed and talk naturally. It is better to talk about something that you are interested in, or what you like doing.


Also, remember, it’s a date, not a job interview. So, when you are talking to someone you haven’t met before, you have to be careful about what you say. You should be yourself and enjoy yourself.


Try to avoid being negative when you are talking to someone new. It’s not easy, but you can try to be nice to your date. If you are attracted to the person you are talking to, it is easier to be nice. You should try to make her or him feel comfortable around you.


The following are some ways to be nice to your date. Be enthusiastic about what he or she says. When you are talking to someone, it is better to show interest than to ask too many questions. If you ask too many questions, it will look as if you are not interested in what he or she is saying.


For questions asked of you, if you don’t know the answer, admit it, and move forward. Tell your date that you don’t know the answer and that you will get back to them later with a response. You can say something like, “I don’t know the answer, but I’ll be glad to tell you later after I’ve giving the topic some thought”.


Because the world is filled with various people from different backgrounds and cultures, you will find that when you meet someone new, it can be challenging to know what to talk about. You might find yourself getting stuck in a conversation that is boring or one-sided. You might have problems finding common interests. Sometimes you might feel awkward when you don’t know what to talk about. At times, you might feel like you’re wasting your time. You might feel that you’re bored.


However, you should never worry about whether or not to talk. Talking is important. You should be able to communicate with your date. One approach to accomplish this is finding a way to connect with them.


There are many things that you can discuss with people that are interesting to you. One thing that you can talk about to your date is why they invited you out.


You can also ask them about theirselves, their family, and their career. You can also ask them about their hobbies and interests. You should make sure that you listen to their answers and that you express interest. This will help you to build a relationship with your date.


Avoid being too critical of your date. Try to focus on being polite rather than critical. You should learn to accept that you might not agree with your date’s opinions. Know that over time either of you may change your thoughts, but during your initial dates, the goal is to understand them and respect their beliefs, as they attempt to do the same for you.


It is important to learn about the person you are dating. Ultimately, you need to know if he or she is right for you. In your life journey, you will need to be able to talk to him or her about everything.


So, you need to know if he or she is interested in the same things that you are – if they are on the same mission in life as you. You need to know if he or she has any goals in life.


If you are able to talk about everything with him or her, you will be able to have a better relationship with that person. You don’t want to wait until the relationship is too serious. You need to talk to the person about everything.  This is important so that you will want to spend more time together.


And don’t spend too much time talking about yourself. If you do this, then the other person may find it boring to listen to your personal life stories.


If your date asks questions about your life, then you can talk about things that interest you. By asking you questions, your date is signaling that they want to get to know you better.


Make sure you are comfortable around your date. If you don’t feel comfortable around him or her, then you will not be able to get to know the person.


You also need to know about your date’s friends and family. You particularly want to know how they communicate with them and their feelings toward them. The reason is that if the two of you marry, they may hold the same beliefs toward you and treat (or mistreat) you as they do currently with their friends and/or family.


Minimize Texting


There are reasons why people like to text. It saves time and money. It also gives you a chance to get to know your date before you actually meet.


While you may have met your date online, you should save the bulk of your conversation for your in-person date. Texting can be a great way to get an initial sense of someone, but you should have the real getting-to-know-you conversations on your actual date instead of via text.


I suggest a phone call or an online meeting are better ways (compared to texting) to get to know your potential date. You can ask questions about their family and friends, their hobbies, and what their goals are and receive a more personal response. However, make sure that your date is ready for this method of conversation, for it is important that your date is comfortable with the person they are going to be talking to — YOU.


What if you’re already in a relationship? You can still text if you and your partner have been together for a while. You can use texts as a way to communicate your feelings quickly. Just be sure that you keep things short and sweet. This is because long-winded messages tend to sound more boring than interesting. A quick text message is more likely to come across as flirty and fun than something written out in full detail.


I do suggest it is better to meet people online versus texting or a phone call. The reason is that during an online meeting, and you can physically “read” what your potential date is communicating via their physical actions.


Many couples have been in a relationship for years without ever meeting one another. However, if you really want to connect with someone, you should make sure that ultimately meet in person.


You have the best chance of knowing if someone is actually interested in you (and whether they are being truthful) by meeting them in person. This is a face-to-face meeting. Most people are much more open and honest when they meet in person with you.


There’s no better way to gauge how a potential date feels about you than to get to know him or her in person. You can start the conversation by asking about something that interests the other person. Then, you can discuss your mutual interests.


You can also ask questions to find out more about what the person likes to do. Talking in person will also help you to get to know each other better. You will be able to see if you two have things in common as well as if you both have different interests.


By meeting in person, you will be able to gauge how well you two match by doing activities together. You will also be able to determine if the person is interested in you as a marital partner. If he or she isn’t, you should look elsewhere accordingly, because Christian dating means that we are looking seriously for a marital partner – much more than a good-time associate.


Talk to Your Friends


If you’re feeling extra anxious before your date, give a close friend or relative a call to talk it out beforehand. Sometimes you just need someone to listen, give you some pointers, and remind you why you’re such a great catch.


If you are going on a date, you should make sure that you are prepared for it.


Before you go on the date, you should look into your feelings. How are you feeling about the date? Do you feel excited about it? Are you nervous about it? Are you happy that it is finally here? If you don’t have time to think about it, you should ask someone else. this is where trusted friends play a very important role.


Ask your trusted friend what they think about your date, and what they think about you dating such a person as this. If they have any advice, you should take it seriously.


You should also be aware of what to expect on the date. You may be surprised to learn that your date likes movies and music. They could even like the same type of food that you like. Knowing what to expect will give you some insight about the type of person that you will be meeting.


In Summary


First dates are a great way to start new relationships. You will enjoy meeting a new person, and you learn whether you like him or her too. Try to look for the best in each other, because that way, you will enjoy your time together.

Preparing for a first date can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Your focus should be on relaxing and getting to know the other person. This way, your date will pick up on your positive energy and it’s bound to be a memorable experience.

I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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