Preparing Your Place of Prayer and Meditation - Stoic Matchmaker

Preparing Your Place of Prayer and Meditation

Preparing Your Place of Prayer and Meditation

March 25, 2022

It can be difficult to find the time to pray and meditate. Having a special place designated for prayer and meditation can both motivate you to spend time with God as well as keep distractions at bay. However, the benefits are too numerous to list here, but we can certainly highlight a few ways to take full advantage of your own personal place of prayer with meditation. 

Make It Comfortable

You should have a few things in your personal prayer sanctuary. A comfortable chair or prayer bench will help you approach God without any difficulty. You’ll also want somewhere to place your Bible or maybe even a desk if you plan to use this same spot to study the Word of God. Remember, prayer and Bible study go hand in hand. 

Soften Your Heart with Music and/or the Lord’s Prayer

A single day in your life can throw a lot at you and when you go to your personal place of prayer and meditation, you may not be in the frame of mind to pray. That’s why some Christian music or even melody that loosens the heartstrings can do wonders to get you in the right frame of mind to talk with God. For other’s, starting the meditation session (and ending with meditation session) with the Lord’s prayer is extremely uplifting.

Other Items that Can Help

Having a place to pray is one of the best ways to connect with God regularly, but that doesn’t mean that it’s only for prayer or Bible study. Journaling about your day or what your prayers were about via a meditative practice can help you recall your experiences later. Journaling alone with having a prayer list can help you keep track of all of your thoughts and prayers that need to be made for yourself and others. This will also help you maintain consistency in your prayer life. And if you are looking for a meditative practice that’s made for prayer and journaling, then look no further than to Atlanta Meditation for an insightful approach.

The more time you spend in your personal prayer  and meditation space, the more opportunity you have to spend time in the presence of the Lord. Taking these simple actions can help you have a great place to talk to God.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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