Repentance for Modern Christians - Meditation’s Place - Stoic Matchmaker

Repentance for Modern Christians – Meditation’s Place

Repentance for Modern Christians – Meditation’s Place

June 1, 2022

Repentance for Modern Christians – Meditation’s Place

The call for repentance has been cried by preachers for the longest time, but many Christians have only a vague idea of what it really means. Sometimes, the way that religious authorities interpret God’s words can cause further confusion. To fulfill what God commands of us sinners, we must first understand what repentance entails. We need to dive down into the idea to see how it applies to our modern Christian life.

The Origins of the Word

The concept of “repentance” traces its origins back to the Old Testament. There are two Hebrew words that can help us understand what it means: “nacham” and “sub.” The first one means changing one’s mind, while the latter can be translated as “restore,” “seek,” or “return.” Together, these words describe the act of turning your back on your sins and seeking God. 

In the New Testament, the Greek word “metanoia” also comes into play, which means “to change the mind.” With all of this in mind, “repentance” fundamentally becomes the act of changing the way that we think, especially in regard to our sins.

What Does Repentance Mean Today?

Because of these two descriptions, repentance becomes more than just expressing guilt or remorse towards our sins; it’s also how we change the way we think and how this leads to a change in the way we live. When we practice true repentance, we turn our whole life towards God and his promise of salvation.

Repentance Is a Step Towards Salvation

When we truly repent, we change the direction of our lives and abandon our sinful ways. We let Jesus into our hearts, turn from sin, and place our trust in Jesus. This is how He saves us. 

It should be noted that we can’t save ourselves. God grants us the ability to repent and turn to Him for salvation. If your conscience is condemning you for your sin and you want to change, that is the work of God in you. Don’t hinder what God is doing in your life. With God’s help, turning from sin is possible. That’s why repentance is accompanied by faith; it’s all about accepting Christ and his teachings wholeheartedly, abandoning a sinful life, and trusting Jesus for salvation.

Daily Christian meditation on God’s Word is extremely helpful. It’s a direction changer. The process keeps God front and center in your mind as your daily “wild, wild west” unfolds. Each day, your steps drawer you closer and closer to God.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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