When Colleague Badmouths Another Colleague: Stoicess Poem - Stoic Matchmaker

When Colleague Badmouths Another Colleague: Stoicess Poem

When Colleague Badmouths Another Colleague: Stoicess Poem

July 29, 2024

When Colleague Badmouths Another Colleague: Stoicess Poem.

While having lunch with a friend at work,
the friend quickly turned into being a jerk.


She started speaking badly of a fellow-worker,
destroying their reputation by saying he’s a shirker.


You listened intently to see what started this ruckus,
learned he applied for the same job which caused her to fuss.


It was a promotion that she wanted dearly,
even to the point of degrading someone severely.


You begin feeling uneasy as the onslaught never stopped,
knowing if your friend knew the truth, your relationship would be dropped.


You then remembered the words of King Solomon the Bible taught,
“A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot”.


Jealousy, inferiority, or revenge are now possibly at play here,
even a lower self-esteem is likely as she begins the campaign smear.


But truth be told you also applied for the job,
However, no one knows because you never tell things that might incite the employee mob.


It’s your stoic personality – one you learned through the test of time,
it’s a trait some never learn over an entire lifetime.


Thus, your friend will never know you applied unless your acceptance is put into motion,
and artillery fired at that time would be foolish since as her new boss she’ll be seeking from you a promotion.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU.





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