We’re in a new environment.
Fear of Job Security is on the rise.
Shared Values and Trust in the workplace which significantly contribute to a feeling of job security are unraveling right before your eyes.
A Steady Mind is needed more than ever before – WISDOM is key.
Wisdom will help you cope and maintain control over an anxious mind.
Hang out with me for 4 months; We’ll build a lifelong rapport, and you’ll learn Wisdom.
Let’s get started.
Book a FREE appointment with me so I can send you my FREE Workbook “4 Months to Career Wisdom and Understanding” after we meet. (Workbook shown at bottom of this page).
TELEPHONE HOURS: Monday – Thursday 10am to 4pm (EST)
Stoic Matchmaker is The Top Choice for aspiring leaders looking to achieve career success.
My method is the surest way to build leadership tactics that give you power for a lifetime.
Daily training for aspiring leaders that want career success who are willing to put in the time required.
You become a great leader by building your common sense God’s way – obtaining “Godly Wisdom”.
A Christian and Leadership Coach & Career Coach.
The Professor and I have over 40 years combined experience in the Federal job market.
The Professor is Steve Blackwell, Ph.D., Lawyer, Pharmacist – My COO.
Improve Your Common Sense for Career Success.
Career Success! You just need to know how to tap into YOUR Common Sense. Did you know that using YOUR Common Sense – that ability to know how to use the knowledge YOU have at the right place and time – is considered more valuable than having a college degree or high IQ?
My S-T-O-I-C Storytelling® method (Situation, Teaching, Outcome, Illumination, Character Trait Improved) will help you unearth YOUR Common Sense AND know how to quickly tap into YOUR Common Sense when needed. No one else has a teaching method like this.
For Your Career Success Ladder, I Will Empower YOU to:
Have WISDOM for the leadership challenges you’ll face.
“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom.” Book of Proverbs
“The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom.” Book of Proverbs
Be that Problem Solver, CAN-DO person.
“The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in finding the solution.” Seneca
Gain RESPECT from Senior Leadership.
“You will gain the respect of all men if you begin by earning the respect of yourself.” Musonius Rufus.
I’ve spent my life mentoring individuals for self-improvement. Over the last decade, my time has been spent with the most highly educated individuals giving them advice on how to manage their minds while dealing with the chaotic world in which we now live.
Like you, everyone faces daily challenges that they feel are insurmountable. However, I’m here to help you achieve peace of mind when facing such daily issues. God is at the center of your success.
When you’re ready to learn to think like me, I’ll be here.
I am a Christian and a Leadership Coach & Career Coach. I Look Forward to the Opportunity to Help You Grow Mentally.
Four Months With Me and You’ll Never Be Your Old Self Again.
So, know that there is Hope. Develop Your Common Sense through our Lord’s wisdom.
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