Career Coach | Leadership Coach | Life Coach | Biblical Meditation



Career Coach
(Federal Jobs)

The Stoicess Can Help
Call 1-833-MY-STOICESS

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Build Power for a Lifetime

Question: Do you want to feel strong for a Moment, … or a Lifetime?

Are you looking for a coach who will give you a method that builds your power daily — that power to be a strong Leader for a Lifetime?

Don’t look back 5 years from now with regret. Your Career is at stake.
Begin building your MENTAL power with me NOW!

CALL 1-833-My Stoicess


TELEPHONE HOURS: Monday – Thursday 10am to 4pm (EST)

Stoic Matchmaker is The Top Choice for aspiring leaders looking to achieve career success.


How My Leadership Coaching Differs:


1. You learn a Leadership Method to use for the rest of your life.


Learning the method is Easier Said Than Done.
My S-T-O-I-C Storytelling® Method has been tested using an empirical qualitative methodological approach. Findings indicate the method continuously builds your mind for leadership with subsequent career success. But it takes at least 4 months to learn the method.

My method is the surest way to build leadership tactics that give you power for a lifetime.


2. You train Day-To-Day with Me in a Private Community.
During my coaching, you’ll also have access to my private website community as you train. It’s a mental gym to help you grow stronger as a leader. A safe place to network with others online.

Daily training for aspiring leaders that want career success who are willing to put in the time required.


3.   My Coaching uses Biblical Meditation to provide you with Wisdom.


Only God’s Word can give you Wisdom.
“Wisdom [is] the principal thing; [Therefore] get wisdom; Yea, with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7

You become a great leader by building your common sense God’s way – obtaining “Godly Wisdom”.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess®
CEO Stoic Matchmaker

A Christian and Leadership Coach & Career Coach.

Build Power for a Lifetime


Career Coaching Services Needed?

I specialize in assisting those seeking a Federal Government Job.

The Professor and I have over 40 years combined experience in the Federal job market.
The Professor is Steve Blackwell, Ph.D., Lawyer, Pharmacist – My COO.


My Goal:

Improve Your Common Sense for Career Success.

Your Need:

Career Success! You just need to know how to tap into YOUR Common Sense. Did you know that using YOUR Common Sense – that ability to know how to use the knowledge YOU have at the right place and time – is considered more valuable than having a college degree or high IQ?

My Method:

My S-T-O-I-C Storytelling® method (Situation, Teaching, Outcome, Illumination, Character Trait Improved) will help you unearth YOUR Common Sense AND know how to quickly tap into YOUR Common Sense when needed. No one else has a teaching method like this.

Thinking about advancing your degree? 
Here’s a Common Sense approach from the Professor to help you. Click the YouTube link for the video:


My 3-part Mission Statement:

For Your Career Success Ladder, I Will Empower YOU to:

Have WISDOM for the leadership challenges you’ll face.
“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom.” Book of Proverbs
“The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom.” Book of Proverbs

Be that Problem Solver, CAN-DO person.
“The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in finding the solution.” Seneca

Gain RESPECT from Senior Leadership.
“You will gain the respect of all men if you begin by earning the respect of yourself.” Musonius Rufus.

Hot Mess

So let me ask you this

Are Daily Situations, Those Unprepared-For Disruptions, Making it Difficult to tap into Your Common-Sense Answers?

When I Discovered What I’m About To Say, Everything Changed In My Life!

I discovered we must be connected with God – every moment of our existence – to develop a “Rock of God Mind” – using our Common Sense entwined with His Wisdom to maintain our shrewdness when disruptions arise.

Don’t Be That Hot Mess Every Time A Disruption Rattles Your Cage. Fulfill Your Career Dreams. Train With Me – START NOW!



I’ve spent my life mentoring individuals for self-improvement. Over the last decade, my time has been spent with the most highly educated individuals giving them advice on how to manage their minds while dealing with the chaotic world in which we now live.

Like you, everyone faces daily challenges that they feel are insurmountable. However, I’m here to help you achieve peace of mind when facing such daily issues. God is at the center of your success.

When you’re ready to learn to think like me, I’ll be here.

I am a Christian and a Leadership Coach & Career Coach. I Look Forward to the Opportunity to Help You Grow Mentally.
Four Months With Me and You’ll Never Be Your Old Self Again.

So, know that there is Hope. Develop Your Common Sense through our Lord’s wisdom.

  • “And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” Daniel 12:3

Today’s Stoicess’ helpline request we are addressing:

S: As a leader, how can I help foster conflict resolution in the workplace?

Sign up below to see members responses!

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Are You Ready for God’s Help?

Live With A Faith-Based Mindset That Can Overcome Anxiety And Worry

Within my community, you will learn a method that allows you to make a positive difference, not just within yourself, but also the people around you. Your training with other Christians who are on a journey of Biblical success, allows you to address worries and anxieties head-on and win! It's a Christian partnership where Christians are walking by faith to tackle their ongoing issues together. My S-T-O-I-C STORYTELLING MEDITATION METHOD Helps YOU To OVERCOME:

  • Worries and anxieties
  • Stress and depression
  • Walking with No armor of God


Money Back “PLUS” Guarantee: For paying members, if you are not satisfied within 25 days of purchase, let me know and your cost will be Zero (I’ll refund you 100%). PLUS, even with the 100% refund, I’ll still make a 10 cent donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Who else would make a donation to charity for a membership that gave no financial gain? My response is that I believe God’s Little Ones will be helped by your training with my method – the donation is your and my gift to God's Little ones given in His Name, so we both know we succeeded. The Stoicess

Cheerful Giver: Be God’s “Cheerful Giver” as a portion of your membership fee is given to His “Little Ones” at St Jude Children's Research Hospital. Remember, $1 for each paying member is donated each month.

Website Security: Stoic Matchmaker, LLC (D-U-N-S Number: 117057101) collects minimal membership information. Data elements such as date of birth, address, financial data, or credit card information are NOT collected by the website. To protect members’ information and to provide the best experience on the website the following services, considered to be among the “best in class”, are used (listed in alphabetical order): Echods, Liquid Web, Paypal, Sucuri, Trend Micro, and WP Buffs.


S-T-O-I-C Storytelling Method

It’s simple – write 5 sentences reminiscing your success

  • Situation: What you faced
  • Teaching: Apostle Paul and Stoic Virtues
  • Outcome: What you felt immediately following the event
  • Illuminate: What you felt later about yourself after thinking about the event (an understanding or spiritual awareness)
  • Character: Trait you improved.

Better your mind 10 minutes at a time
Stoic Storytelling – Your Writing Matters!

Be A Part Of:

$ 6,241 donated to St Jude (as of October 2024)

  • All Book Royalties Donated to St Jude Children's Research Hospital
  • See My Latest Book Below

You and I Working Together Will ALWAYS Help God’s Little Ones

  • “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Jesus Christ
  • “[F]or God loveth the cheerful giver.” Apostle Paul


Stoic MatchMaker’s Stoic Storytelling


  • Your boss incorrectly blames your best friend for a mistake on a major project. Should you intervene even though it may cost you your job?

  • “It’s not because things are difficult that we dare not venture. It’s because we dare not venture that they are difficult.“ Seneca
    "Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:9 
  • I will speak up for my friend if asked by my friend to do so.
  • I realized that having a trusted friend means we go the distance together no matter the difficulty that may ensue.
  • The character trait I improved was understanding the responsibilities associated with having a trusted friend.

View “The Stoicess’ Secret”

Stories of God's Heroes Successful in Their Careers & Personal Relationships

Prior episodes are available on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn, and more!

The Stoicess’ Recent Publication:

WORKBOOK: "4 Months to Career Wisdom and Understanding." Buy now & let's help God's children, together!

available at Amazon

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Need More Convincing? Biblical Meditation Does Work!

Meditating requires the reflection of our souls to see what we keep in our thoughts and our hearts. When we read the word of God slowly, as well as become absorbed in our prayers, we can humbly request for God to reveal all there is to understand of His Word. Of course, all of this can only be done by relying on the work of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, MEDITATING on the HOLY SCRIPTURES is an ESSENTIAL part of Christian living, and should always be part of your daily life. The S-T-O-I-C Storytelling Meditation method follows this premise as you use SITUATION by SITUATION to STAY CONNECTED WITH GOD constantly! Note that there are plenty of texts from the Bible that make it clear that meditation is essential. Some examples of this can be found in the book of Psalms, where it says:

  • “I will fix my mind on your principles, and meditate on your ways.” PSALM 119:15
  • “That I will not sin against you, I have placed your words in my heart.” PSALM 119:11

Other examples can also be found in other texts, such as Joshua (1:8) “This book and its words of law will not leave your mouth, but you will instead meditate on it night and day. You will be careful to follow all that is written inside. This will allow you to live prosperously, and you will be happy in your success.”


See Training Page

A Little History on “Biblical Meditation”

Would you believe that the word “meditate” is mentioned in two different Hebrew words in the Old Testament? While one meaning is translated as a low pitch, muttering noise, the other meaning is translated as “to be absorbed in thought.” When combined, these two meanings can provide the idea of a person, such as yourself, quietly vocalizing the thoughts you have of the biblical texts. Meditation is an activity that calls your mind to think things over and apply the works, ways, and promises of the Lord. As such, the focus of your meditation will always be on God, His majesty and glory, as well as all His works in this world. This results in creating the intention of changing your behavior, your speech, your goals, and ultimately, your life. If this is your first time exploring meditation and what it can do for you, know that it is an activity used for the cultivation of holy thought. It is done consciously in front of God, through the help of God as a means of communicating with Him. As your teacher, my goal is to teach you in the devotional practice that allows you to KNOW GOD better, LOVE GOD better, and come into CLOSER COMMUNION with Him. You’ll LEARN a path to GOD’S WISDOM and understanding that you seek as you FREE YOURSELF of ANXIETY and WORRY! Remember: It’s the Situation Keeping My Connection with Him.

See Training Page

Why Do You Need My Training When Dating? To Succeed In Making Those Crucial Decisions That AVOID An Enduring TRAGEDY FOR YOU.

So, who should you date when you’re in your 20s? Or 30s? Will that loving flame still be burning when you reach your 30th anniversary? Did you know that “GRAY DIVORCES”, those amongst adults aged 50+, the national divorce rate has roughly doubled since 1990 with researchers predicting such “gray divorces” will triple by 2030? And for those aged 65+, it has TRIPLED! Think about the SPIRITUAL (AND FINANCIAL) UPHEAVAL a divorce will cause to your life during your golden years. Talk about ENDURING STRESS and ANXIETY for most of your adulthood.  And the TRAGEDY ALL STARTED… when you were making those crucial decisions of DECIDING on WHO TO DATE! Dating sites are typically providing you with a picture and some kind of description about a person on your screen, and your decisions about whether to include another in your life were being based on these things alone. Conventional beauty and worldly gain is one thing, but finding an individual that you can truly depend on – a Trusted Friend – for a lifetime is a rarity. With my training, you will LEARN how TO EVALUATE that special SOMEONE while you gain more understanding about their life through quality time spent together. Moreover, know that those I teach have already started on the right path toward becoming the best version of themselves. I encourage authenticity in my students by asking them to focus on the needs and concerns of everyone in the community, so we can all grow and thrive together. In this way, we all benefit from a lasting change, build genuine relationships and offer valuable lessons to one another. By drawing from common interests, such as self-development and growth, you begin to see and feel yourself achieving your personal goal – a change in your mindset as you draw closer to God. I strive to highlight these amazing opportunities for every Christian, whether you’re single or married.

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To Avoid a Lifelong Tragedy, One Must Choose Their Spouse And Friends WISELY…

Continuing with our dating example, you must LEARN how to “intentionally date”. INTENTIONAL DATING is commonly defined as the process of purposefully getting to know a person romantically. It refers to two people who want to explore the possibility of getting into a LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP. Moreover, intentional dating isn’t based just on superficial things such as financial status, physical attraction, or the convenience of having someone around. Intentional dating is an ACTIVE way of DATING, rather than a passive one — both individuals will take conscious steps to advance their relationship, rather than waiting for a development to happen. Christians are COMMITTED to GOD. If you are a Christian, this means that you need to seek actively the Lord’s guidance in everything you do, including romance. Ever have to make a  CRUCIAL DECISION and you didn’t know what to do, so you “FLIPPED THE COIN” in your mind and made a DECISION you REGRETTED for years to come?  My training will teach your mind how to MAKE SOUND DECISIONS! As you learn God’s wisdom from your training with me, your mind will change and as a Christian looking to date, you will now have the mindset to DATE for MARRIAGE. Your subsequent selection of a spouse will have a huge impact on your life, and if you have a calling in your church and community, you now know that your choice of a spouse will influence you immensely in these aspects. Due to this, God’s wisdom will reset your mind and your goal for dating will be focused on the future, rather than the present time. And, by the way, God’s wisdom will help you SELECT those ‘TRUSTED FRIENDS” you can depend on in life, reset your mind to make difficult financial decisions correctly, and give you that needed insight for how to address those who attempt to “Stress You Out” in your daily life. BE GOD’S HERO, wear His Armor — YOU’VE GOT THIS!

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How Does Stoic Matchmaker Help
You Acquire a Biblical Mindset?

Stoic Matchmaker uses a storytelling method based on Apostle Paul’s teachings and the Stoic Virtues. It uses Bible study, reflection, and application to shape your mind into Christian thought as you grow closer to God.

  • How You View Yourself
  • How You View Relationships
  • How You View Situations
  • How You Deal with Stress
  • How You Control Anxiety

Join us in this beautiful journey toward a more hopeful tomorrow, and find comfort in the meditation of our God. His Wisdom and Understanding await you.

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Types Of Training Offered


Online Interactive Activities

Puzzles, Writings, Podcasts, and Your S-T-O-I-C Success Stories are the cornerstone of my program.



Each Tuesday evening, the Beat the Professor Challenge and the Stoicess & Professor Weekly Update are held. Members are encouraged to join.

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Membership Information

You have selected the Coaching membership level.

First 4 months: $400 per month which includes Coaching PLUS free access to Website (a $200 value).

Thereafter: $50 per month for Website access.
Note: You can cancel your subscription for Website access at any time via your PayPal account.

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