Dealing With Unpleasant Customers: Stoicess’ Poem - Stoic Matchmaker

Dealing With Unpleasant Customers: Stoicess’ Poem

Dealing With Unpleasant Customers: Stoicess’ Poem

July 2, 2024

You know the drill. You’re at work, it’s midday and hectic;
The phone rings, you see it’s Mr. Jones, and you know he yells when he’s being a skeptic.


It’s as if you are his entertainment for the day;
He will scold you, threaten your job, all the while claiming foul play.


Want a full refund and some damage payment to make this right;
Just talking with him is always such a fight.


Where do these people come from? Is this the aftermath of the Pandemic Rage?;
Why can’t we all get along and be on the same decency page.


But Mr. Jones is pleased when he learns he caused an employee to leave;
He likes antagonizing the new hires more, since they haven’t learned those tricks up his sleeve.


It’s pure carnage that folks like him leave in their path;
It’s all about them, and the world must adapt.


The problem, though, is that there are too many in the community that are becoming like him;
and the community is beginning to fall apart with distrust leading to mayhem.


However, you’ve learned to be unaccepting of others who selfishly place themselves in front of you;
You do not swerve – only slow down – and hear their words without much ado.


For the Bible says a gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire;
So, with such individuals you respond “firm and fair” to keep the exchange from going haywire.


And if they threaten to put your job on the line;
you still respond politely knowing God won’t let you be on the breadline.


For no one really wants these customer-facing jobs;
So, their availability in numbers is literally in the gobs.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU.

If you like what you mentally, now see, join my website to learn and think like me at


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess

SAVING YOUR SOUL worth paying a Dime?
I say, “YES“, and I’ll Pay the Dime on YOUR Behalf


All you have to do is sign up as a Guest.
— “Guest” Registration is FREE ! —


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“In JESUS’ Name Given” OFFERING*:


As Jesus said,” And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward “. Matthew 10:42


St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital donations will be made monthly for your time/effort in signing up as a Guest.


Why would I do this?
Because I want you to get closer to God – to learn His Leadership in order to make your career a success!


God’s Leadership Style?
Grow your heart in Christ’s love toward Those You Nurture as THEIR LEADER !


Give that “Cup of Cold Water**” in Jesus’ name
Sign up as a “Guest” and I’ll pay the dime !


Remember: Great Leadership Begins With A Generous Heart


Guest Registration FREE – Join Now

*For the next 10,000 people who join as a “Guest” on the website, 10 cents every month per person will be given to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital from now until Dec 2024. (For those who like math, that’s $1,000 per month if 10,000 people join the website).


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