Friends Don’t Want You To Advance: Stoicess’ Poem - Stoic Matchmaker

Friends Don’t Want You To Advance: Stoicess’ Poem

Friends Don’t Want You To Advance: Stoicess’ Poem

May 14, 2024

Friends Don’t Want You To Advance: Stoicess’ Poem.

They are some of the dearest friends you ever knew;
Childhood playmates, high school teammates, and college dormmates just to name a few.


However, you’re moving up in the totem pole in life and these past relations are asking you to slow down because you’re leaving these cherished friendships behind;
So, do you continue your career path at lightning speed, put on your breaks slightly, or halt your progress to a grind?


It’s a tough choice but it’s high stakes on the line,
friendship or career success – which do you choose as you look toward the finish line.


For friends can either boost or hinder one’s success,
that’s why it’s so important to review and refine your group of friends as you move up the ladder, so you don’t digress.


So, as you move forward in your career, you must constantly vet your friends;
to minimize any detrimental impact on your mission since with those you associate, your ultimate success depends.


Thus, if a friend is requiring more energy than they give you back – a “draining friendship” it is called,
it’s time to cut them off along with those who are clearly “not in your corner”, otherwise your success will have stalled.


For example, maybe they try to control you, speak ill of your successes, talk negatively behind your back, act jealous, or see the negative in every successful step you take;
Again, such individuals must be sidelined immediately, before they cause you a tremendous heartache.


However, those who are truly your friends will be willing to transform with you through your journey all the while;
they’ll be with you every inch of the way, even willing to go that extra mile.


And you really do need the correct friends to succeed;
Because getting to the top is just as much about the people you choose to support you, as it is with your own hard work and individual creed.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess

SAVING YOUR SOUL worth paying a Dime?
I say, “YES“, and I’ll Pay the Dime on YOUR Behalf


All you have to do is sign up as a Guest.
— “Guest” Registration is FREE ! —


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“In JESUS’ Name Given” OFFERING*:


As Jesus said,” And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward “. Matthew 10:42


St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital donations will be made monthly for your time/effort in signing up as a Guest.


Why would I do this?
Because I want you to get closer to God – to learn His Leadership in order to make your career a success!


God’s Leadership Style?
Grow your heart in Christ’s love toward Those You Nurture as THEIR LEADER !


Give that “Cup of Cold Water**” in Jesus’ name
Sign up as a “Guest” and I’ll pay the dime !


Remember: Great Leadership begins with a Generous Heart


Guest Registration FREE – Join Now

*For the next 10,000 people who join as a “Guest” on the website, 10 cents every month per person will be given to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital from now until Dec 2024. (For those who like math, that’s $1,000 per month if 10,000 people join the website).


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