High School Reunion Nightmare: Stoicess’ Poem - Stoic Matchmaker

High School Reunion Nightmare: Stoicess’ Poem

High School Reunion Nightmare: Stoicess’ Poem

April 23, 2024

High School Reunion Nightmare: Stoicess’ Poem.

It’s class reunion time!
Time to visit with our high school peers and catch up on our life journeys now that were in our prime.


But are you excited about attending?
Or are the “reunion nightmares” plaguing your mind to the point it’s spinning?


I suggest for most of us there is some apprehension in reuniting,
Why? Your accomplishments are on the line, and they may not be that exciting.


Thinking back, what was the reputation you left these folk with when last seeing them?
Maybe you were the boy who played most games from the bench OR the girl who never was selected for the cheerleading squad – either way, you were not much of a gem.


Or maybe you were voted the most likely to succeed,
and everyone wants to know what you’ve accomplished with such tremendous speed.

In short, reputation matters, ranking matters, and we hate failing.
We’re concerned we didn’t “make it” or improve our ranking as will be shown in this final unveiling.


The Bible says it is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you,
instead, if you trust the Lord, you are safe and their thoughts are simply “much ado”.


So, as you conclude your thoughts, you decide to attend the reunion with empathy and respect;
knowing others have the same fear because they realize they also are not perfect.


You’ll be the real you, have fun, and know you may find that most are simply delighted to see you again,
because you always left them feeling good about themselves, and with some wisdom worth sharing with others in their social bullpen.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
and I believe in You


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