August 6, 2024
You’ve been at the job for several years, but things have changed of late;
recently got a new boss and her actions are to the point you can no longer anticipate.
She’s ramped up the job to the point of expecting 24/7 availability;
you’ve handled her pretty well until her recent acts of immovability.
You see, your scheduled Bahama trip begins today,
planned for six months, boss approved, and you were on your merry way.
But as you hand your boarding pass to the attendant and enter the plane,
your phone rings – “It’s the boss What’s she wanting?” as you begin to feel the pain.
You ignore the call and continue the boarding entry;
but while putting luggage above your seat it rings again – you fumble trying to answer and turn it off accidentally.
So, as you sit there momentarily, you think about the money you’ll lose if canceling the vacation;
as well as how this boss will never let you have a life but may fire you for having poor cooperation.
Apostle Paul tells us that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind;
Seneca reminds us to put the finishing touches on our life each day as if we’d come to the very end of time.
So, you decide whatever problems have arisen since touching that tarmac road,
are not yours to deal with, because you’re now in “Me Time” mode.
I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess,
Your Christian Career Coach
AND I believe in YOU!
March 24, 2025
March 20, 2025