May 29, 2024
It’s been another trying week at the office. One week the boss is praising you for coming up with this great program and two weeks later you’re getting the memo that your work is unsatisfactory because you’ve not come up with another great opportunity for the company to make money. You’re satin sheets one week and a dishrag two weeks later.
Then there’s your personal life with the part-time company you’re trying to get off the ground. Your initial marketing plan failed, then you pivoted and the second failed. You’ve pivoted so much that your current marketing plan doesn’t resemble any notion that you had when you started this venture.
Between the office and your part-time company, your enthusiasm for life has evaporated. You’re tired, despondent, and don’t want to get out of bed this morning. You ask yourself, “how do the few successful people make it?”
In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable world, the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges is what sets successful individuals apart from the rest. Successful individuals have resilience, that secret recipe to overcome obstacles and avoid easy surrender. It’s a skill that can be developed and honed through the power of the mind.
From training with the Stoicess, you know the key is to harness the power of one’s thoughts and beliefs. By understanding the connection between the mind and your ability to persevere, you can build inner strength and navigate through difficult times with grace.
To begin, you must objectively set your own expectations. Unrealistic expectations are what lead many to an unsuccessful end. We’ve all had this idea in our minds, that itch to do a certain thing, that won’t go away. And our minds tell us that all we have to do is build and advertise it, and success will be knocking at our door.
In reality, things don’t go so well. We forget to consider the hardships that previously successful people went through. Like you, they frequently fell short of their personal expectations, but they had the grit to continue.
Two points regarding grit that you always keep in mind from your training: (1) No perfection and (2) Tremendous discipline.
Perfection is obsolete in your book. You don’t let perfection get in the way. As with other successful individuals, when others tell you that you should give up, you don’t. You have grit and you keep moving forward by thinking positively.
Additionally, you’ve made discipline a hallmark of your character. You don’t need motivational peptalks from others to keep you on your mission. Your mission is a journey. Discipline is what gets you out of bed in the morning to proceed. You have timetables set in your plan for things that must be done each day. So, even when every aspect of the world seems to have turned against you, discipline is that energy that makes you push those covers back and get on to the work at hand. With discipline, you’ve found giving up is never an option.
So, as you lie comfortably in the covers with the “woe is me” attitude setting in, you shake your head, toss the covers back and get on with your mission. Because, what really matters is how you conduct your journey. It’s your grit that counts. As you exit the bed, you say aloud, “Hello world. My name is Resilience and you better be ready today for me.”
Now using My S-T-O-I-C STORYTELLING method:
(S) I’m getting tired of working; should I give up?
(T) “You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength.” Marcus Aurelius
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Book of Deuteronomy
(O) I will continue because I have a mission.
(I) I realized that grit is the key to me perceiving myself to be successful.
(C) The character trait I improved was resilience when all appears to be against me.
Thank you for sharing your mind with me.
For your continued Success,
Hear MY Secret:
When you feel like giving up, grit will give you that boost up.
and ‘Be as you wish to seem’ …..
Remember: It’s the Situation Keeping My Connection with Him.
I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess,
AND I believe in YOU
March 24, 2025
March 20, 2025