July 9, 2024
A coworker heard gossip about a mutual colleague they are dying to share,
they drag you into a conference room and have you pull up a chair.
The gossip is juicy and puts a question mark in your mind,
the character of that “goodie two shoes” colleague is being realigned.
So, will you keep this secret to yourself or share the dirt with other friends you know?
Is it not your duty to protect these friends from a potential foe?
As you consider whether to share, your mind turns back to a time you were the victim of a salacious lie,
no one came forward to defend you as you were left out to dry.
The Bible says that “He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets”.
It’s a reminder that we should not go around acting heedless.
For by telling another of a secret you have been entrusted,
you have now entered the ring among the distrusted.
You are either horse-trading the secret for personal benefit to you,
or you’re acting as the executioner of your friend’s sin which the Bible warns you not to do.
For only God is the judge and He gave us friends to help us when in need,
So, I suggest we all remember the adage, “A friend in need, is a friend indeed.”
I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess,
AND I believe in YOU!
March 24, 2025
March 20, 2025