The Art of Complaining as a Tool for Connecting Quickly: Stoicess’ Poem - Stoic Matchmaker

The Art of Complaining as a Tool for Connecting Quickly: Stoicess’ Poem

The Art of Complaining as a Tool for Connecting Quickly: Stoicess’ Poem

May 21, 2024

The Art of Complaining as a Tool for Connecting Quickly: Stoicess’ Poem.

You’re at a party you were invited to by a good friend;
They promised not to leave you, but ultimately you’re in a corner sitting alone as they went to blend.


And then it happens. A stranger comes over to chat with you;
You think to yourself, “Oh Dear”, as they pull up a chair and sit right in front of your view.


As you anticipate their first words, which words would you rather first hear?
“Hello, I’m such and such. What are you doing here?” or “This party is horrible. Not enough food, the music stinks. What do you think could add some cheer?”


You’d suspect most would admit liking the latter of the two, because one can jump on board quickly and add their two cents – it’s such an easier ice breaker to go through.


And you know that complaining is an often-used form of communication,
one that’s particularly effective for connecting quickly – even adding speed to a friendship’s formation.


However, you should ask yourself, “Is this the type of person I want to be with in a long-term friendship?”,
where we pick apart others to no end as the basis of our relationship?


Your answer of course is “No” because the Bible teaches us not to complain,
and belittling others so the complainers can gain power or control at another’s expense is something from which we should abstain.


For in this moment, you realize someone is doing their best to give a party to cherish their friends,
but a complainer makes it “their” business to find flaws in those good works, so he can gain some dividends.


So, after careful thought, you decide you’d rather have a stranger to approach you who is less sincere,
while realizing you’ll have to live with the old pick up line of, “What’s a pretty girl like you, doing here?”


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
And I believe in You !


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