Unfair treatment in the workplace?: Stoicess’ Secret - Stoic Matchmaker

Unfair treatment in the workplace?: Stoicess’ Secret

Unfair treatment in the workplace?: Stoicess’ Secret

June 26, 2024

Unfair treatment in the workplace?: Stoicess’ Secret.

You’re having your weekly one-on-one with the boss. Your boss just finished meeting with a coworker who is on your team. The coworker is a good, hardworking employee with a work ethic you’ve always admired. However, of late you’ve noticed a change in the coworker’s disposition but haven’t been able to put your finger on what is the problem. Sometimes you think the boss is afraid the coworker may eventually replace the boss.

As your discussion begins, the boss begins venting about the coworker and what the boss has been doing to demoralize the coworker with hopes the coworker will leave. Several of the tactics are beyond being mean. You begin feeling helpless as you reflect on past events, and you now realize your co-worker was being treated extremely unfairly by your boss. But what can you do to put an end to this unfair treatment and restore justice in the workplace?

Unfair treatment in the workplace can manifest in various ways, making it crucial to understand the signs. It can include but is not limited to favoritism, discrimination, micromanagement, excessive workload, disrespectful behavior, or withholding opportunities for growth and advancement. Patterns of unequal treatment include consistently assigning menial tasks to the targeted employee, excluding them from important meetings, or making derogatory comments.

Such actions by management can create a toxic work environment, impacting both the targeted employee and the overall morale of the team – your team! Employees who are treated unfairly may experience a decline in productivity and engagement, which can have a ripple effect on the entire team. Ultimately, an environment of distrust and demotivation is created, hindering collaboration and innovation.

Since the boss felt comfortable enough to share their approach regarding the colleague with you, from training with the Stoicess, you know your role as a team leader requires you to step in and address the current situation with courage, empathy, and a commitment to promoting a fair and inclusive work environment. You choose a neutral and private setting to discuss your concerns regarding the comments the boss previously made. You remain calm and composed while explaining the situation, focusing on the impact of the boss’s actions on your team.

It’s a courageous step for you, but you realize it’s a step you need to take to see if everyone involved can come back to the table and work together in peace again. It’s your contribution as a leader to ensure everyone at the workplace is treated with respect and dignity. For you know your actions can make a significant difference in restoring justice in the current situation and continue that positive work culture for the entire company.

Now using My S-T-O-I-C STORYTELLING method:

(S) My boss is treating a close co-worker of mine unfairly behind their back; should I say something?
(T) “The fisherman know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never seen these dangers sufficient reason for staying ashore.” Vincent van Gogh
“Whoever is greatest among you must become like the youngest, and whoever leads, like the one serving.” Jesus
(O) As a leader, I will intervene.
(I) I realized that my team’s performance will suffer until this situation is addressed.
(C) The character trait I improved was stepping up as a leader when a team member needs my assistance.

Thank you for sharing your mind with me.

For your continued Success,

Hear MY Secret:

When the boss is mistreating a member of your team, perform your role as a leader and intervene before the situation becomes extreme.


and ‘Be as you wish to seem’ …..


Remember: It’s the Situation Keeping My Connection with Him.

I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess

AND I believe in YOU.


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