Constant Flow of Prayer - Stoic Matchmaker

Constant Flow of Prayer – A Meditation Practice that Works

Constant Flow of Prayer – A Meditation Practice that Works

March 7, 2022

As Christians, prayer should be a constant part of our lives but because of busy schedules, it may not always be possible to keep our prayers consistent. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to get back on the right path. Here are a few things you can do to ensure a constant flow of prayer to get closer to God:

Schedule Your Prayers Along With Meditation

Be sure to plan out your prayers on your calendar or make a note of them in your diary. Incorporating prayer into your meditation sessions, such as beginning and ending each session with prayer is an excellent idea we strongly encourage. When you treat prayer as an important appointment or meeting, you will be more likely to keep it. While you may not be able to keep up with your schedule all the time, you will find yourself praying more when you see it on your calendar linked with your meditation session. 

Make a List of Prayers 

Having a list can keep our prayers more specific and full of intention. When you think of the people, problems, and blessings you have in your heart, you’ll find that it’s easier to start praying. Keeping this list in a phone or journal will allow you to celebrate with a full heart when they are answered. 

Ask for God’s Help 

This may sound too simple but having the intention to ask God for help allows you to make time for consistent prayer. According to James 1:5, “The Lord gives wisdom to those who ask and God will help those who come to Him.” Make use of this promise as God is willing and more than able to help you with anything you are facing. 

Stay Consistent 

Once you get started with the suggestions above, be sure to keep up with your commitments. Try to schedule your meditation session with prayers every day, keep making a list of things you’re thankful for, and always ask for God’s help whenever you’re in trouble. While it may take a while to make new habits stick, stay consistent with your plan and allow your time with God to bring you closer to Him.

Remember: “It’s the Situation Keeping My Connection with Him”.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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