Whether to Accept a Job Offer Away From Family - Stoic Matchmaker

Whether to Accept a Job Offer Away From Family

Whether to Accept a Job Offer Away From Family

March 8, 2023

Whether to Accept a Job Offer Away From Family.

It’s your dream. It’s the talent God blessed you with. It’s your calling in life.
However, where you are now is not going to get you from the “here” to the “there”. Why? Location, location, location.


The training you need to grow your talent is not offered where you are now.
The contacts needed for your success are not among your current friends.
However, the relationships with your family, your friends, and your partner are at stake.


So how do you make the decision to leave the family nest?


For you, your greatest calling required a choice – to stay or leave the nest.
The distance you needed to travel was not far, but the circle of contacts needed was quite different. The thought of moving your life, your mind, in a different direction from your safety net was scary. And considering the obligations to your family was no easy task.


But the calling was strong. The journey of life awaited you. And as the business adage goes, ‘It’s all about location, location, location.”


From training with the Stoicess, you know that whether your decision is to move hundreds or miles away or attend the local community college to hone your precious skill, you will become a different person mentally.


Your mind will change based on knowledge gained from the literature and those you are now associating with. You will begin seeing what you didn’t see before.  You will understand things that were previously a mystery.


So, as you grow your mind, you know you will find that for those back at the nest, either supporters or opposers, they will be. But it’s Your Journey, Your Success, Your Calling. “And most importantly”, as you think to yourself, “It’s My Choice!”


Now using My S-T-O-I-C Storytelling Meditation method:


(S) I received a job offer away from my family, what should I do?
(T) “Do what you will. Even if you tear yourself apart, most people will continue to do the same things.”  Marcus Aurelius
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Book of Joshua
(O) I decided to move forward with fulfilling my dream.
(I) I realized it was my calling and no matter where I go, the Lord will be my strength.
(C) The character trait I improved was believing in me.

The Stoicess’ Secret:


To be the best, the journey begins when your mind leaves the nest.

I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


If you like what you mentally, now see, join my website to learn and think like me at StoicMatchmaker.com.

Need help? Receive christian guided meditation using my S-T-O-I-C tool

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