How I know he will fight for me - Stoic Matchmaker

How I know he will fight for me

How I know he will fight for me

July 17, 2023

How I know he will fight for me.

In any relationship, it’s important to feel loved, supported, and valued. It’s important to be with someone who is willing to fight for your relationship and make it work. One way to gauge your partner’s commitment to you is by observing how they handle conflicts and challenges in the relationship. But how do you know if your partner is truly committed to you? Below are several behaviors I suggest you look out for, that indicate your partner is willing to fight for your love.


He actively listens and seeks to understand


One of the key behaviors that show a partner will always fight for you is their ability to actively listen and seek to understand. They will express their own feelings and thoughts, and work with you to find solutions to any issues that arise. They won’t just hear your words, but they will also try to understand your perspective and feelings. They will also be willing to have difficult conversations and address any conflicts in a respectful and constructive manner. They will ask questions, clarify misunderstandings, and show empathy towards your experiences. This behavior shows that they value your thoughts and feelings and are committed to working together to strengthen your relationship. Good communication is essential for building a strong and healthy relationship, and a partner who values it is a good sign that they are committed to making it work.


He takes responsibility for his actions


A partner who is willing to take responsibility for their actions is a good indicator that they will fight for your relationship. They won’t blame you or others for their mistakes or shortcomings. Instead, they will admit when they are wrong, apologize when necessary, and make efforts to correct their behavior. This behavior shows that they are accountable, and they are also willing to put in the effort to make the relationship work and are not just looking for a quick fix or an easy way out. A partner who takes responsibility for their actions is a partner who is committed to building a strong and healthy relationship. Such behavior creates a foundation of trust and honesty in the relationship.


He makes an effort to understand your perspective


A partner who is willing to fight for your relationship will make an effort to understand your perspective. This means that they will listen to your concerns, validate your feelings, and try to see things from your point of view. They won’t dismiss your feelings or try to convince you that you’re wrong. Instead, they will work with you to find a solution that works for both of you. This kind of empathy and understanding is crucial for building a strong and healthy relationship.


He is willing to compromise and make sacrifices


One key indicator that your partner is willing to fight for your relationship is their willingness to compromise and make sacrifices. This means that they are willing to put your needs and the needs of the relationship before their own. They are willing to make changes and adjustments to their behavior or lifestyle in order to make the relationship work. This kind of selflessness and commitment is a strong sign that your partner is in it for the long haul.


He consistently shows up and puts in effort to maintain the relationship


A partner who is committed to fighting for the relationship will consistently show up and put in effort to maintain it. This means that they are willing to communicate openly and honestly, make time for you, and prioritize the relationship. They will also be willing to work through conflicts and challenges together, rather than giving up or avoiding them. If your partner consistently shows up and puts in effort, it’s a good sign that they are committed to making the relationship work.


He makes an effort to spend quality time with you


A partner who is committed to fighting for your relationship will prioritize spending quality time with you. They will make an effort to plan dates, activities, and trips that you both enjoy. They will also be present and engaged during these moments, putting away distractions like phones and work. This behavior shows that they value your time together and are willing to invest in the relationship. It also creates opportunities for bonding and strengthening your connection.


He supports your goals and aspirations


A partner who is committed to fighting for your relationship will also support your personal goals and aspirations. They will encourage you to pursue your passions and dreams, and will be there to cheer you on every step of the way. They will also be willing to make sacrifices and compromises to help you achieve your goals, showing that they are invested in your happiness and success. This behavior is a clear sign that they are committed to building a strong and supportive partnership with you.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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