Who Was John Wycliffe? - Stoic Matchmaker

Who Was John Wycliffe?

Who Was John Wycliffe?

October 28, 2022

Who Was John Wycliffe?

John Wycliffe was an English theologian who is considered to be one of the forerunners of the Protestant Reformation. He was a strong advocate for vernacular translations of the Bible and his teachings inspired subsequent Reformers such as Martin Luther and John Calvin. Though his legacy has been tarnished by accusations of heresy, Wycliffe’s impact on Christian history cannot be denied.

What Time Period Did He Live In?

John Wycliffe became one of the most controversial figures of the 14th century. He was born in the year 1330 in the village of Hipswell in Yorkshire. He attended Merton College, Oxford, where he studied theology and philosophy. After being ordained as a priest, Wycliffe became a popular lecturer at the university. It was there that he became influenced by the writings of the French theologian John Duns Scotus which inspired his reformative beliefs.

He was a strong advocate for an English bible and argued that the Bible should be accessible to all people. His teachings sparked controversy, and he was eventually branded a heretic by the Catholic Church.

What Were the Major Highlights of His Life?

Wycliffe is best remembered for his translation of the Bible into English which laid the groundwork for future English translations, such as the King James Version. Throughout his career, Wycliffe spoke out against many of the practices of the Catholic Church, including indulgences, pilgrimage, and transubstantiation. He also argued that the Church should not own property or wield political power. His views were denounced by the Church, and he was excommunicated posthumously.

Nevertheless, Wycliffe’s ideas continued to spread, and after his death, his followers continued to promote his teachings. He died in 1384, but his ideas would live on and continue to inspire others in the centuries that followed.

I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
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