Stoicess’ Poem: Looking Awkward To Friends - Stoic Matchmaker

Stoicess’ Poem: Looking Awkward To Friends

Stoicess’ Poem: Looking Awkward To Friends

August 7, 2023

Stoicess’ Poem: Looking Awkward To Friends.

You’ve been dating this man for awhile,
he’s a really nice guy that makes you smile.

He seems to get you as much as you get him,
you’re clicking quite nicely – this romance is more than a whim.

Before long your friends begin pushing to meet your mystery man,
making quibs and gibes as they refer to him as the hidden “He-man”.

So, you finally give in and bring him to a weekend luncheon,
but it didn’t take long before they attempted to put him into a mental dungeon.

You had hoped they would be really impressed,
but they treated him disrespectfully as you became very distressed.

They put him on the firing line – commented negatively on his formal address,
said his speech was awkward and he’d never be a success.

Little did they know that those God has blessed,
are sometimes a little different in their thoughts from the rest.

For as the Bible teaches, we each have gifts differing according to the grace given to us,
and your man’s gift was teaching as he brought up situations your friends did not want to discuss.

So, his intelligence was what caused your friends to freak out,
They were angry and confused, but it was they who started this bout.

For as they quizzed him, he was sharp with his tongue,
his answers needed wisdom to respond to, for which they had little to none.

The following day, they goaded you for your choice in a man,
said he wasn’t good enough for you, so put him in the garbage can.

But as you thought over the actions of the day before,
you realized who had the knowledge that you so much adore.

For everything you want in a person is opposite of their expectation,
so either conform to the group’s standards or be dumped without hesitation.

For the group’s applecart has been upset,
and his subsequent change in you is being viewed as a threat.

But you hold your ground using the wisdom this man taught thee,
tell your friends to get comfortable with the awkwardness, “For it’s currently the BRAND NEW ME!


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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