Considerations for Love at First Sight - Stoic Matchmaker

Considerations for Love at First Sight

Considerations for Love at First Sight

October 12, 2022

Considerations for Love at First Sight

The idea of falling in love at first sight is romantic, immortalized in stories, and retold in countless films and television series. It’s a belief that divides people; some are convinced it’s true, while others with a more cynical outlook think love at first sight is impossible.


So, is “love at first sight” real? How should a person act upon it?


What Is Love at First Sight?


When people talk about “love at first sight,” they usually mean that they knew they were meant to be together with the other person when they laid eyes on them.


This expression emphasizes that the two people hit it off right away and want to be in a committed relationship. They fall in love very quickly and strongly.


Falling in love at first sight is a very strong emotion. It’s a feeling some have great difficulty to see through using wisdom. The emotion is simply overpowering.


If you are immediately attracted to someone, then you will want to spend a lot of time with that person. You’ll definitely want to date them immediately. And the desire may be so great that you want to marry them now! So, you head off on that Caribbean cruise together and get married within a week of first meeting.


Also know such a strong feeling of attraction can be felt by anyone. You don’t have to have any special abilities. It is a feeling that is created by different things.


For example, it might be because you’ve seen something special about this someone. It could be this person reminds you of some great qualities of another that slipped away from you. So, you mentally substitute this new person that you’ve known for mere moments into that prior person that took years to develop your relationship with them.


Maybe it’s the new person’s smile or the way they look. Maybe how they talk – that wonderful accent that you just loved in your prior person. Or maybe it’s how their eye contact makes you feel. Or you’re drawn to how they are scoping out your looks.


Irrespective, you’re getting a very positive impression about this new person. Such mimicking attributes that they have similar to a prior partner quickly raise that mental antennae of yours and immediately those prior fond memories with another rush to you mind. It’s substitutable quick love.


If it happens to you, you’ll feel like your life will now be perfect and you’ll be happy with your life since that special person has arrive (or more likely, rearrived). It’s like a sense of euphoria. Everyone wants to have this feeling, but it’s very rare. It’s an immediate close connection.


There is also a sense of excitement with the new relationship. You’ll not think much about the future. You’ll just focus on the present.


Another way that you might fall in love at first sight is by seeing someone attractive and then wanting to know everything about that person. This is purely an eye-catching, physical attraction perspective.  If the person is willing to answer your few questions, then the attraction grows to 100% immediately. Your mind simply fills in the gaps regarding religious views, commitment, trust  or whatever. You may even find out that the other person has the same immediate feeling for you and is interested in marrying you NOW! How about the Cayman Islands next week to start our life of marital bliss?


Is Love at First Sight Real?


Someone may pique your interest, but it will just be a superficial attraction. The more time you spend with someone, the more you’ll learn how to manage your emotions for them. This approach is advisable to avoid getting feelings hurt while getting to know the other person better. You’ll likely find there are a lot of things different between this new person and the prior person you loved but lost.


I believe that to truly love someone, you must spend time with them to get to know them on the inside, so that you can appreciate their good qualities and appreciate what they bring out in you. The only way you can truly love someone is to see them in their entirety. It is not enough to see them only on the surface.


Basing a life-long relationship on a first glance where you know very little about a person, is an impossible situation to love them deeply. Love that is based on appearances alone is merely superficial.


When you get to know someone on the surface, the depth of your relationship with them will be the same. It’s not enough to be physically attracted to them or to know a little bit about them to love someone. If you believe in love at first sight, you’re letting your emotions take the wheel, which is more likely to lead to chaos than a lasting romantic connection.


Closing Comments


So, is love a first sight real? My question is “Real What”? If the question wants to know if such happens, then the answer is Yes. If the question wants to know if this is real love, then the answer is No.


As a Christian, “love at first sight” is really not acceptable. The reason is that you do not know anything about the other’s faith, their beliefs, and their relationship to Christ.


Although it’s true that “love at first sight” can blossom into a successful relationship, it’s not enough to keep a couple together through life’s inevitable obstacles. People often rush into a relationship without knowing how much they really want to be with the other person.


It’s also hard to maintain a relationship with someone you “physically” love only, especially when you don’t know all their qualities, such as whether they are Christian, that you’ll have to deal with over the long-term. What counts most is what happens after you meet someone, as that’s when the two of you can start creating memories and experiences together that will last a lifetime in your service to God.


So, love at first site is mere romance. To have a healthy relationship, you need to determine if your partner has the qualities of being nice to you, shows a commitment to God and the relationship, and has met your requirements for being held as your Trusted friend.


I suggest you remember to hold your eyes in check as your mind takes the lead role in evaluating the person’s qualities – over time – for a long haul commitment.

I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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