Stoicess’ Poem: Judging Beauty - Stoic Matchmaker

Stoicess’ Poem: Judging Beauty

Stoicess’ Poem: Judging Beauty

May 8, 2023

Judging Beauty.

It’s easy to get distracted with such beauty surrounding us,
on the TV, the computer, our phones – those advertisers making such a fuss.


A tummy tuck or facelift are those procedures that are required,
or how about some Botox to help us become more desired?


For the goal is to rid ourselves of those unwanted looks,
our God-given attributes that don’t match up to today’s textbooks.


It is small chests or large that men now desire,
even the literature is confusing – it makes my mind go haywire.


But when in the real world, I gaze on those I pass by,
I see man’s work in progress, but much success has been denied.


For such beauty we behold is held in the hands of the young,
and as we age, disfigurement becomes much more far-flung.


Wrinkles, sags, pounds, and graying,
all become the norm as the battle is fought to prevent our decaying.


Obsessing over beauty can quickly get in the way,
of staying focused on our journey to make mental headway.


Because the beauty of our minds should shine more each day,
a relaxing gaze, a comforting smile, a warm demeanor is what I now weigh.


And spending a life to update what one currently has for the next cutie as something new,
appears to me to be a waste of time – a loss of time not transferrable – and, quite frankly, just cuckoo.


Now, when I see physical beauty, I put my eyes back into my head,
and consider it a blessing to see such beauty that hangs on a mere thread.


As the Bible in 1st Peter says, don’t try to make yourself beautiful on the outside, which does not endure,
instead, focus on the inside, in your heart, to keep yourself pure.


So, my eyes now focus on the mental beauty that another can show,
for it’s how we’ll build a future together – one that will always grow.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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