Overcoming Unbelief - Stoic Matchmaker

Overcoming Unbelief – Pray and Meditate on His Word

Overcoming Unbelief – Pray and Meditate on His Word

July 15, 2022

Overcoming Unbelief – Pray and Meditate on His Word

Tests of faith can come in many forms. For some, it may be a battle with cancer or the death of a loved one. Others may find their faith challenged by a different life-changing event, like losing a job or a divorce. No matter what form the test takes, the result is always the same for those who overcome: a stronger faith.


In times of hardship or trial, you often find yourself questioning God. What does He want you to remember in these moments?

“Everything is possible for one who believes.”

In the story in Mark 9:17-29, a father begs Jesus to heal his possessed son. The man is overcome with doubt, but Jesus tells him that all things are possible for those who believe. The father declares, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

This is a prayer to which we can all relate. You may not be facing demonic oppression, but you have your own doubts and fears. When you cry out to God for help, He wants you to know that His will is perfect, and that He will take care of all things in His own timing.

“Believe and not doubt.”

In James 1:5-6, God tells you that if you lack wisdom, you should ask Him for it. When you do so, you must believe that He will give you the wisdom you need, according to His own will. This principle can be applied to every area of our lives.

“I am with you.”

God said in Isaiah 41:10, “fear not, for I am with you.” This is a promise He gives to all of His children. When you are overcome with fear or anxiety, you can remember that God is with you. He will never leave you or forsake you.

Prayer and Christian Meditation

When we overcome our unbelief, we can see God more clearly. We may not understand how some things happen, but we trust that He knows what He is doing. So pray, meditate on His Word, and ask God to help you overcome your unbelief.

I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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