Partner is playing on their phone during our date - Stoic Matchmaker

Partner is playing on their phone during our date

Partner is playing on their phone during our date

July 13, 2023

It’s Park Day! Your special day with your partner in the relaxing outdoors. You’ve been waiting for this all week.


However, when you meet your partner at the park, your partner barely notices your arrival. They’re glued to that cell phone and ignoring you completely. “How rude!” you think to yourself. “What am I, chopped liver?” As your temperature boils, you’re about to unleash a heap of pain on them because no-one ignores you on your special day!


Personal electronic devices. Those pesky little toys that now have so much control over us that we can’t leave them at home even to run an errand.


For some, they have become truly addictive; they’d rather stare at any screen in their view rather than focusing on the personal interactions happening around them in the real world.


For you, you realize that your partner needs a little help to bring them back to reality with you. You slow your speech and ask for their opinion on a topic you know is of interest to them. You use statements like, ‘I wonder if you know the status on such and such?” Or “I heard today that “X and Y” did this. What do you think the impact will be?”

You see, you know people love to talk about themselves and what interests them. And you’re asking open-ended questions to get their opinion. In essence, you’ve opened the door to help bring them back to reality… to You.

So, the next time you’re upset at your partner, you know to be more aware of your body language, facial expressions, and the tone of your voice,

AND just be NICE:

(N) Nurturing
(I) Inspiring
(C) Charming and
(E) Enthusing


Now using My S-T-O-I-C Storytelling Meditation method:

(S) My partner is playing on their phone during our date; what should I do?

(T) “It’s better to trip with the feet than with the tongue.” Zeno of Citium
“Those who guard their tongues keep themselves from calamity.” Book of Proverbs

(O) I know what is important in my partner’s life and use these topics to engage my partner.

(I) I realized that although they are playing on their phone, this is likely an opportunity to benefit us both.

(C) The character trait I improved was having patience and love for my partner.


The Stoicess’ Secret:

When correcting Your love, speak from a Heart of love.

I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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