Tips To Help You Ace Your Next Date Match - Stoic Matchmaker

Tips To Help You Ace Your Next Date Match

Tips To Help You Ace Your Next Date Match

October 11, 2023

Tips To Help You Ace Your Next Date Match.

Are you feeling anxious about your upcoming date match? Whether it’s your first date or your tenth, it’s natural to feel a little nervous. But with a few simple tips and tricks, you can boost your confidence and make a great impression on your potential partner. From choosing the right outfit to keeping the conversation flowing, my guide has everything you need to ace your next date.


Dress to impress and be confident.


Your appearance can play a big role in making a good first impression on your date. Choose an outfit that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Dress in whatever flatters your body shape, but make sure it is still comfortable to wear! Avoid overly flashy clothing or items with strong scents, as these can be off-putting. Keep it simple and classic – pick clothes that reflect your sense of style but also show you care about how you appear.


Also, make sure your dress is appropriate for the location and activity you have planned. Don’t forget to groom yourself and pay attention to details like your hair, nails, and accessories. Remember, confidence is key. Walk into your date with a positive attitude and a smile, and you’re sure to make a great impression.


Have a Conversation Plan – Set yourself up for success by asking leading questions and actively listening.


It’s always beneficial to go into a date having a few conversation starters in mind. Think of some interesting topics (like movies, podcasts, or books) that might facilitate meaningful dialogue and ensure both of you are heard. Additionally, actively listening to your date by chiming in with thoughtful comments and questions can help keep the conversations flowing smoothly. Remember: the goal is to get to know each other better, so pick topics that reflect that!


Express your Authentic Self – Being genuine can make or break a connection.


Authenticity is key when it comes to making a good first impression. It’s important to be yourself — feel free to express your opinions, share your hobbies and interests, or tell funny stories so that your date can get a better sense of who you are. Avoid pretending to be someone you’re not in order to impress the other person; it might seem like a good idea in the moment, but staying true to yourself will lead to a healthier and more meaningful relationship.


Avoid Polarizing Topics – Stay away from hot button items so you don’t come across as too opinionated or extreme.


While it can be tempting to discuss current affairs and your philosophical worldview, remember that most people prefer to keep the conversation light during a first date. Making strong political arguments, for instance, might come off as an overly intense way of discussing a certain subject. Talk about neutral topics instead such as travel plans, restaurants you’ve been meaning to try out in the city, or favorite movie genres — this can still give the other person plenty of insight into your lifestyle without being overly opinionated.


Play Light-hearted Flirtation Games – Breaking the ice and building chemistry can be done without being too aggressive or intimidating.


Use flirtation games like playing Truth or Dare to break the ice and divulge each other’s secrets in a playful manner. Besides sparking embers of interest, these activities also present topics that you can explore together afterwards. You can also inquire about the person’s hobbies by requesting they bring their own version of a show-and-tell where they explain what their favorite objects mean to them — another unique way of discussing personal interests.


Plan ahead and choose the right location.


One of the most important aspects of a successful date is choosing the right location. Think about what you and your date enjoy doing and choose a location that reflects those interests. If you both love the outdoors, consider a picnic in the park or a hike. If you’re both foodies, try a new restaurant or cooking class. Planning ahead and choosing the right location can set the tone for a great date.


Show genuine interest and listen actively.


One of the most important things you can do on a date is to show genuine interest in your match and actively listen to what they have to say. Ask open-ended questions that encourage them to share more about themselves and their interests. Avoid interrupting or talking over them, and make eye contact to show that you are fully engaged in the conversation. Remember, a successful date is about building a connection and getting to know each other better.


Keep the conversation light and positive.


While it’s important to ask meaningful questions and get to know your date on a deeper level, it’s also important to keep the conversation light and positive. Avoid discussing heavy or controversial topics, such as politics or religion, and instead focus on shared interests and hobbies. Use humor and lighthearted anecdotes to keep the mood upbeat and enjoyable. Remember, the goal of a first date is to have fun and see if there is potential for a second date, so keep the conversation light and enjoyable.


End the date on a high note and follow up appropriately.


As the date comes to a close, make sure to end it on a positive note. Thank your date for their time and express your interest in seeing them again if you feel a connection. If you’re not sure about a second date, be honest and let them know you had a good time but don’t see it going further. Follow up with a text or call within a day or two to let them know you had a great time and would like to see them again, or to politely decline a second date if that’s not what you’re looking for. Communication is key in any relationship, so make sure to be clear and respectful in your follow-up.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess,
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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