5 Tips for Following God’s Plan in Your Dating Life - Stoic Matchmaker

5 Tips for Following God’s Plan in Your Dating Life

5 Tips for Following God’s Plan in Your Dating Life

February 1, 2023

5 Tips for Following God’s Plan in Your Dating Life

Dating is a beautiful thing! It should be celebrated and enjoyed by you and your significant other. But sometimes, you may feel that having even a decent relationship doesn’t come as easily as you would like. You can make your relationship more enjoyable by following a few simple guidelines. At the core of these guidelines is the requirement that you seek God’s guidance for your relationship – I call it, “Christian Intentional Dating.”


A relationship is meant to be something special. You have to make sure that you understand each other and that you are on the same page. Being on the same page means that both of you are clear about what you believe and about the kind of life you want. Never allow your relationship to drift.


When you talk to your partner, you should listen intently and carefully to what they have to say. You should also share your feelings.


A good relationship requires trust. If you have trust, you can share your fears and hopes with your partner. This can help to develop a strong foundation for your relationship. You should learn how to communicate and express yourself in a positive manner. This is very important because when you communicate, you will be able to tell your partner that you love them (and truly mean it).


If you look to Scripture, it can provide recommendations for Christian Intentional Dating and relationships that can help you as a couple develop a strong foundation for your union via God’s plan.


Below are biblical tips for romance you should follow in your dating and relationships. So, let’s dig in and get started!


Put God first in your relationship.


The most important advice in any relationship is to keep God first. This means that you should honor Him by striving to live holy lives, praying together, and making decisions that reflect His commands. God should be the center of your relationship, not just a secondary consideration. If God’s priority in your life is not reflected in your relationship, then it’s time for some changes so that He can be where He belongs—at the forefront.


A successful relationship necessitates that you personally spend time alone with God. He is the one who knows your heart, and He has a special relationship with us. He wants to hear your prayers and gives you guidance on how you can better fulfill your responsibilities when dating and in your relationship.


Spending time alone with God will allow you to be happier in your relationship because you will begin seeing the bigger picture in life and make choices that help you achieve that wonderful relationship.


Here’s an example. How often have you heard someone talk about what a wonderful person their significant other is because they buy them this or that? Most of the time, this statement is simply empty words because they don’t really know how their significant other feels about them.


It is possible that their significant other is simply going through the paces to make the person think they are loved. The flaw is our misconstrued thinking that when someone does something nice for us, it shows how much we are loved by them. The same could be said of a hundred other actions the significant other does.


What we are missing is that deep down, an ulterior motive may exist for these so-called acts of kindness – wanting something in return. The return may be that you are gorgeous, and they gain social status by being with you.


Or maybe you’re brilliant, and a savvy stock picker and can fill their wallet ever so quickly with great trades. Or maybe you’re an extremely hard worker and bring some good bacon (money) in and that you are willingly to share unselfishly with them; However, in turn, the individual buys you some lower-priced gifts to keep you happy, but the expensive, luxurious items are all for them.


So, how do you know if they truly love you? Man’s wisdom may say, “go broke and see if they stick around. That’s likely one way.


However, I suggest that by only dating a person who puts God first in their life (and, yes, that means you are second – after God – even if you two decide to marry), you’ll have the best chance of obtaining true love.


By selecting to date someone who you know loves God deeply, you will be happier because you now see the “true” bigger picture in life, and can subsequently make choices with your partner that help you achieve them.


Don’t get me wrong; you may still be able to have great experiences with your partner now and then without having God as the centerpiece, but you won’t be happy in the long run.


So, follow my advice, and be sure you both put God first, and you will always be happy. To restate, if you BOTH keep God at the center of your relationship, then you will never have a really bad “relationship” day ever.


Remember Our Maker’s Instructions – Love, Respect and Honor.


As you seek to honor God in your relationship, always remember His instructions that we are to love Him, our God, with all of our heart, and soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37) and we should love our neighbor as we love our own self (Matthew 22:39). This applies to both you and the person you are dating.


Love, respect, and honor each other by keeping God at the center of everything. Walk through life together in such a way that demonstrates mutual love for each other and devotion to God.


And follow what God says in the Bible about relationships. You will never be happy if you disobey God’s rules. Love and respect your partner, and show him or her the same respect that you show God.


True love for your partner means you will want to please him or her. This means you should treat your partner like a friend. By loving them, you should also honor them by treating them the same way you want to be treated.


You can do this by listening to them when they talk to you. Pay attention to them and remember their feelings. You should always do things for your partner so they know you care dearly about them. You should be the type of person who has the most patience when dealing with them.


You should also be kind to your partner. Being kind to your partner will make him or her happy. You should also be careful when you are interacting with them. Be sure to be careful with your words. If you say something that you shouldn’t, you could end up hurting your partner.


Always speak the truth, and be honest with them. Always avoid lying to him or her.


Guard yourself with prayer and accountability.




To grow closer to God through your dating relationship, include prayer with your partner as a source of strength and intimacy. Pray for each other and the Lord’s will for your relationship together.


God has given us the ability to pray for our relationships. We can pray for the well-being of our loved ones.


But you may wonder, what does it mean to pray for our loved ones?


First, we should recognize that God hears our prayers. God cares deeply for us because He sent His son, Jesus, into this world to die for us. We also know that God knows everything that happens on earth. We know that He sees everything that happens. He can see everything that we are thinking, feeling, and doing.


Second, we should pray for ourselves, because we are all sinners, and God has called us to be holy.


Third, we should pray for our partner. We should pray for their health, their happiness, their safety, and their success.


Fourth, we should pray for our relationship with our partner. We pray that God will give us a strong and enduring relationship.


Fifth, we pray with humility and thankfulness. If we pray with thankfulness and humility, we will receive a blessing from God. For God is looking for a sincere heart.




Sometimes, dating becomes difficult for couples because of the differences they bring to a relationship. It’s hard to make any relationship work if you and your partner don’t agree on everything. A great way to solve this problem is to have an accountability partner.


An accountability partner helps you keep your relationship focused on Christ’s values. An accountability partner is someone who is aware of your relationship and what is going on. He or she will be someone you can ask about your relationship with your partner.


An accountability partner can help you to keep your relationship focused on Christ’s values and help you to remain in the relationship. Your accountability partner should be a Christian.


An accountability partner will also be able to keep you accountable for the things that you and your partner agreed on. Knowing that someone else is aware of how you are interacting with one another can be an added measure to help you stay mindful when it comes to treating each other with respect.


Be intentional about understanding other cultures and spiritual backgrounds.


Many people come from a variety of backgrounds, and with that comes differences in culture and spiritual beliefs. To keep your dating relationship healthy, be sure to demonstrate respect for each other’s differences.


Take the time to learn about one another’s practices, values, and opinions. This can also broaden your understanding of different faiths and help you cultivate positive relationships with members outside of your own family or community.


Many different walks of life exist among people and, in turn, we each bring different cultures, values, and traditions into our partner’s lives. For example, if you were raised in a Catholic home, it would make sense that you have a certain set of values that you would uphold in your relationships.


Some of those values may differ for another individual raised in a Baptist home. Notwithstanding, if you both grew up with parents who believed in God, then you are both likely going to be religious and believe in our Lord.


However, in a world where everyone has different religious beliefs, you may be surprised to discover what someone else believes. This is a fundamental reason why it is important to understand other people. There are many people who are different from you.


For instance, some people believe that divorce is not allowed. They believe that a marriage should only be for a lifetime, while others believe that it is okay to get divorced in certain circumstances.


In today’s society, everyone is different. We can be very diverse, but we can still relate to each other.


So, remember, people who are different from you have many beliefs that you might not agree with. That is why it is important to try to understand other people. You cannot expect to have a successful relationship if you don’t understand the things that “drive” that person.


Have a standard of conduct set before entering into a dating relationship.


Before entering into a dating relationship, know what standards of conduct are expected from you and from your partner. Set boundaries such as how often you will see each other, how involved you will be in each other’s lives, and how intimate the relationship should become.


Also enforce God’s guidelines. God has made clear guidelines for relationships that can help protect both parties involved and provide direction for their time spent together. An example is whether one can have sex prior to marriage.


Most of us get into relationships expecting different things from our partner than we actually get. In fact, most of us expect a lot from our partners. Sometimes we want to be with someone who gives us what we think we deserve.


When you are trying to pick a mate, it is a good idea to keep in mind that you have no right to demand anything from your partner. Be prepared to meet people who will ask for more than you would like to give.


You need to be prepared to put up with the differences in people and in their expectations. For example, some people expect to be in charge, and some people expect to follow their partner. Before getting into a relationship, you should first figure out if you are going to be able to compromise. When you are making decisions about compromises, you will need to know if your partner is willing to make the same ones.


So, make certain you have a good idea of your boundaries before you go into a relationship. You may need to draw lines around certain aspects of your life, especially if you want your relationship to be exclusive. For example, you may decide that you won’t date anyone who has children younger than yours, and you may want to limit yourself to only dating people who agree they want children.


Before you get involved with dating a man or a woman, it is very important to understand the difference between dating and relationships. Many people will confuse the two.


Dating is the casual, friendly aspect of the relationship process that exists between two people who aren’t really serious about each other at the moment but are testing the waters to see if the other is a potential candidate for marriage.


As the beginning phase of a relationship, dating is very casual and easygoing. It’s as if both individuals are beginning a fact-finding mission. When you engage in dating, you have a lot of fun.


However, when you move forward from dating to being in a relationship with another, things change. A relationship is different than dating. A relationship is serious business, and you should know the difference between the two before you start dating someone. A relationship is based on trust and mutual respect, while dating (as the initial stage) is based more so on pleasure.


If you truly wish to be in a relationship, you must treat your partner right. It is important to set boundaries such as how often you will see each other, how involved you will be in each other’s lives, and how intimate the relationship will be as you approach that final stage of marriage. If you do this, your relationship will not only benefit from the extra attention and care, but it will also be a happier experience for both parties.


Closing Comments: Thinking About What The Relationship Will Be Following Marriage


Before leaving our topic on dating, I believe it’s fitting that we take a peek at what the relationship should be like once we reach the final stage of  the dating process – Marriage.

Once married, the niceties do not end. The trust does not end. The commitment does not end.  I cannot count the number of times I have seen people change once that contract, the marriage contract, has been signed. It’s as if they change into a new person, a true monster, that Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde phenomenon. You should never be this type of person. Remember, God is watching.


Once married, it’s important to remember that you need to always treat your spouse with respect. You shouldn’t abuse him or her.


Don’t forget to share your love with your significant other. Show how much you care. Give the other person your time, your thoughts, and your energy. You don’t have to be affectionate all the time, but you can show your appreciation to your partner by doing small things like complimenting them.


You should show your love through your words. You can tell your partner that you are grateful for him or her. You can also show your gratitude through your actions. For instance, when you are spending time together, try to laugh more. It’s important to smile.


Also, show your appreciation to your partner by doing small things for him or her. These little nice things are the icing on the cake. They won’t be forgotten, I can promise you that.


Make sure that you spend quality time with your significant other. If he or she feels loved, he or she will feel appreciated and valued.


You should also be positive and optimistic. Be open to learning new things. You can always learn something new together and have fun doing it.


Lastly, try not to overthink the future. Instead, focus on the present and enjoy each other every day. Your significant other deserves to be happy. He or she has been a blessing to you. Let’s keep that relationship “truly alive” until our last day on this earth.

I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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