Stoicess’ Poem: Taking Criticism - Stoic Matchmaker

Stoicess’ Poem: Taking Criticism

Stoicess’ Poem: Taking Criticism

June 5, 2023

It’s your big day,
as your presentation occurred midday.


A presentation on a project dear to your heart,
one that few would be able to pick apart.


But short way through the presentation, someone began to giggle,
an uneasy feeling overcame you as your hand started to wiggle.


“What’s going on here?”, you think to yourself,
the material is indisputable as it stands for itself.


So, you ask “Any questions?, and one bursts out in a laugh,
saying, “Didn’t you check your slides? There are numbers wrong in your graph”.


“You apparently don’t know how to multiply. That last bullet is way off”.
You look at your graph, and he’s right – the number is a turnoff.


A period you had placed in the wrong spot,
a simple error that gave the entire presentation a dark blot.


Instead of feeling inadequate, you refocus on what you did right,
got your mind together and responded without sounding contrite.


For as the Book of James tells us, we all stumble in many ways,
but our Lord has much patience with us as we live throughout our days.


So, you focus your mind on what you did right,
“9 out 10 bullets are correct giving me an ‘A’”, you said with much delight.


Several among management shook their heads as they agreed,
as the person challenging you remained silent, for he had no choice but to concede.


For in multiplication, you do shine,
to err is human, to forgive divine.


So, you tell yourself that mistakes are not what define your creed,
instead, mistakes are learning opportunities that you use to succeed.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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