Starting a Prayer Life - Stoic Matchmaker

Starting a Prayer Life with a Meditation Life

Starting a Prayer Life with a Meditation Life

March 14, 2022

Starting a Prayer Life with a Meditation Life

Are you looking to pray for the first time and are wondering how you can get started? Perhaps you’re worried about something and have decided to give prayer a chance. It’s never too late to start praying. Don’t worry, there are various ways in which you can start a prayer life


Accept God’s Love and Will 


A prayer for beginners will usually start with the acceptance of God’s love. The love God gives us is a free gift through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Since He paid the penalty for our sins, we can be reconciled to God and receive His best. Now, as His child, you have the privilege to pray and speak with Him at any time. This means that no matter what you face in this life, God is there with you. Through prayer, you can bring any matter to Him.   


Praise and Adore Him 


Praise the Lord and adore Him as your savior. You can use Psalms to get an idea of how you can use praises in your prayer and you can even start with a song. There are also many songs you can offer as praise to God, but be sure that your heart is sincere and that you’re not just singing and praying as part of a routine. 


Ask for Forgiveness 


Repentance doesn’t only happen once so we should get used to practicing all the time. This isn’t because we always sin, but because we need to stay humble and admit that there will always be growth that needs to take place in our hearts. If we knowingly sinned, we can ask for forgiveness and repent for what we’ve done. 


Pray for Others and Your Needs 


You can also pray for things that you need, along with people you care about. Be sure that you open your heart to God because He created you and He knows you. Honesty is important and there isn’t anything too small or too big for you to ask. While the answer may be a “yes” or a “no,” you can expect an answer that’s best for you.


If still having difficulty getting started?


We suggest you incorporate your Prayer life with your Meditation life. Start simple. Begin your Meditation session with the Lord’s Prayer. Complete your Meditation session.  End your Meditation session again with the Lord’s prayer. We’ve found this procedure to be one of the most simplest yet powerful ways to feel that connection with God. And if you need help on devising a great Meditation practice, see Meditation Atlanta. You’ll be glad you did.


I’m Lori Stith, The Stoicess
Your Christian Life Coach
AND I believe in YOU!


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